The Giant Twizzler Stopmotion Animation
Title: “Chopstick Charlie Devours the Giant Twizzler” In this whimsical stop-motion animation, you’ve brought to life an endearing character named Chopstick...
Stopmotion Animation Beauty Tips
I Stopmotion animation of a guy with blue locks, rebuilding his face, which is made from clay.
Stopmotion Animation Magic Tricks
In a whimsical world of stop-motion animation, let me introduce you to our protagonist: Riff the Groovy Pianist. Sporting a black and...
IT Pennywise the Dancing Clown Title: Dancing Action Figure: A Unique Blend of Art and Music Stopmotion Animation of Pennywise "Bro" the Dancing Clown Fully...
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
It doesn't matter what country you are living in, what language you speak, or what you look like. God is...
Draw near to God.
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. To me, this is the same as developing a...
The Truth Shall Set you Free.
John 8:32.The Truth Shall Set you Free. As you learn more about Jesus, talk to him. You will be building...
Calm the Waters
Dear God thank you for calming the water. You took care of me during tough times, even when I forgot...
Art Project: Painting Cat Food Cans
Does your cat eat a lot of cat food? Don't recycle the cans. You can paint them, and it's really...
Zombie Clay Heads
Here's a mash up of art I created last summer. I was just getting into polymer clay sculpting, animation armatures,...
Art Project: Zombie Elf in the Woods
Do you live near a wooded area, orchard or prairie? Next time that you take a walk, collect any interesting...
I am fierce.
Be fierce. Be a friend and protector of all things smaller than you. Do you know what it means to...