Art Project: Zombie Elf in the Woods
Do you live near a wooded area, orchard or prairie? Next time that you take a walk, collect any interesting pieces of bark, wood or dried flowers.
You can easily make an interesting piece of art for your home or for the woods. These items also sell well on eBay or Etsy if there is a fairy theme.
I used a character that I had created for my animation projects. This little guy is peeping through a “window” that I created from two pieces of bark.
Items that you will need:
- Bark or broken branches of wood
- Glue Gun
- Wooden Pegs or nails ( helpful but not totally required)
- Twine, string, rope or yarn (helpful if you do not use nails)
- Interesting dried flowers, vines, weeds, grass, hay, seeds
- Character ( I have another blog on creating characters) or Doll.
Here is a collection of photos that I took. I was trying too sell this little guy on eBay. Let’s see how it goes 🙂
Simple Steps to Create the Frame
- Find a few pieces of bark or broken pieces of wood.
- Position them together, rotating them until you have created a natural frame.
- If you have wooden pegs, drill a hole and use the peg to anchor at least 1-2 corners together.
- Use a glue gun to fill in the open cracks. I use the glue heavily, then press loose pieces of dried hay or moss to create a mash up. When dried, the mash up will create a stronger brace and also looks pretty cool.